During the coronavirus outbreak, many organizations faced a hard situation and were forced to freeze their operations.

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Remote workers and tech professionals played a crucial role in helping companies move forward. But, there was also a massive job loss.

In April 2020, the US unemployment rate was the highest since the great depression, and about 122 million people found themselves jobless.

If you’re unemployed and struggling to stay on track, these tips will make your journey much more comfortable. They will help you to deal with the expenses and even get employed during these hard days.

Take a Break and Relax

Losing your job can make you feel stress, making it hard to think straight. To face unemployment, you must take a break and relax. Take your time and do something to clear your mind. Exercise at home or pursue a passion. As long as you can enjoy what you do and feel comfortable, you’ll achieve the main goal: relaxation.

If you can’t go out because of the lockdown, spend some time with your loved ones. Playing board games and watching movies will allow you to relieve some stress. Then, to face this challenging situation, you should change your mindset.

The pandemic has changed the world environment, and to move forward, you’ll need to try new things. Keeping a positive attitude will allow you to think straight and make better decisions.

Cut Down Your Expenses

Dealing with expenses is hard without income. You should avoid unnecessary costs. Cancel any unnecessary subscriptions you may have and try to make a new plan to reduce your actual expenses. Due to COVID-19, online grocery shopping has become more popular, and organizations like Walmart and Amazon offer great shopping plans.

For example, if you subscribe to Amazon’s fresh, you may buy essential groceries for less money. Also, Amazon has improved its delivery strategies, and customers can receive their products within hours.

On the other hand, the electric and water bill can make you feel overwhelmed. But, don’t lose control, and don’t let your expenses make you lose your cool.

Spending more time at home will indeed increase your bills if you don’t make a plan to control energy and water usage. So, you better start taking action now.

Apply for Unemployment Benefits

If you’re jobless, don’t wait to apply for unemployment benefits. Many people have taken advantage of them to survive. Even if you are not unemployed, but you have experienced a significant reduction in work hours, you can still qualify.

Individuals typically receive half of what they were making at their actual jobs. Weekly payments may vary depending on what state you live in.

You should apply right now to get your payment as soon as possible. Thousands of employees are applying all at once, and it has been challenging for states to process claims.

Enrol In a Coding Bootcamp to Upskill

If your skills are outdated or your lack of tech skills have taken you out of the competition, you should enrol in coding bootcamps.

Coding schools have become very popular in the last few months. They have allowed many jobless employees to get equipped with in-demand tech skills to meet employers’ needs. In that case, if you seek to get employed and become an attractive candidate, you better enrol right now.

If you are a busy individual and seek to learn from home, you should enroll in Thinkful’s coding bootcamp. Thinkful offers flexible courses in digital marketing, data science, UI/UX design, software engineering, and product management.

The company enables students to learn from the best in the field and provides them with a career support team. If you are willing to make a career change, it’s among the best alternatives on the market.

On the other hand, if you seek to get equipped with cybersecurity skills, you should enroll in Flatiron School’s coding bootcamp.

Their cybersecurity course is designed to provide students with the right knowledge to deal with rapidly-advancing threats and catch hackers. They have what’s needed to keep companies’ data safe.

Flatiron School also offers financing options for those whose money can be a barrier to learn. Given that, you have no excuses to enrol and start your new learning process.

Use LinkedIn to Look for Jobs

LinkedIn is a great platform that has been used by hiring managers and employers to seek potential hirings. Consequently, building a LinkedIn profile is a great way to become more noticeable.

If you want to get hired, don’t waste your time—create a LinkedIn profile as soon as possible.

Creating an eye-catching profile is very easy. Upload a professional profile photo, write a headline and a summary of your skills and goals, and ask for recommendations. Use a picture that makes you seem very spontaneous. This will allow you to increase employers’ trust. If you don’t know what photo you should use, a picture of you smiling can get the job done.

Writing a headline is very easy. Many workers only write their previous job title. However, if you want to stand out from the competition, you should include some tools you use in your everyday work life.

For example, a software engineer’s headline could be “Software Engineer | SQL | Python | JavaScript.” Before writing the summary, you have to identify what your strengths and goals are. Make a list of them and write about what keeps you motivated. Employers like candidates with clear goals.

The last thing you should do is to ask for recommendations and create connections. This step is optional, but it will make your job search much more comfortable.

Don’t forget that LinkedIn uses machine learning algorithms to provide employers and hiring managers with suggestions based on their connections. The recommendations will also appear in your profile, and you will be able to catch employers’ attention.


Considering these tips will allow you to thrive these days. Keep in mind that you are not alone in this situation, and don’t hesitate to ask for help if necessary. Keeping good mental and physical health is essential to move forward. So, take as many breaks as you need. Staying relaxed and with a positive mindset will allow you to take advantage of your problem-solving skills and help you make better decisions.