In order to check the indiscriminate dumping of very old vehicles in Nigeria and to discourage the use of rickety vehicles on Nigeria roads, the federal government will soon introduce an End of Life Policy for vehicles in the country.

This was disclosed by the Director General of the National Automotive Design and Development Council (NADDC), Mr. Joseph Osanipin, when he spoke yesterday at the opening ceremony of the on-going West Africa Automotive Show (WAAS), in Lagos.

According to him, the policy will further help the environment as many vehicles plying the roads pollute the environment with dangerous emissions.

Stressing the importance of the automotive industry to industrial growth and job creation, the DG said the NADDC is working in tandem with the renewed hope agenda of the President Bola Tinubu government.

He said “One of the pillars of the Renewed Hope Agenda is Job Creation and the auto industry is a key sector that can create jobs”.

He added that NADDC is working closely with the supervising ministry- Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment to create an auto Credit Scheme to stimulate demand for vehicles in Nigeria.

The NADDC boss also recalled that recently the agency brought together manufacturers of parts and auto assemblers in order to synergise and work in harmony for the benefit of the industry.

He said “We want to move from an assembling nation to manufacturing nation by bridging the auto components gap”.

The opening ceremony of the three day event was graced by players in the private and public sectors of the industry.