Taiye Olaniyi, a retired civil servant, known for his humility and versatility, means so many things to different people. To the railway community, he is one of the leading lights in the Not-for-Profit endeavour of preserving the history of the Railway sector in Nigeria. In this interview with TRANSPORT DAY, the President of Legacy 1995, a Historical and Environmental Interest Group, answers questions on related issues
As the new Chairman of Legacy 1995, what difference do you intend to make during your tenure?
Every individual has one life mission or the other by being who and what you are, what you intend to render as selfless service wherever one is found at one point or the other.
Having being heritage concerned from my childhood days in terms of Yoruba cultural enrichment and the propelling dictum inherent in dignity of labour, Legacy 1995 provides a fulcrum for an unblemished service. Similarly, a long time love and interest in the Railway having come from a unique Railway town of Offa, it’s like reinforcing how the railway has positively impacted on one’s life from the socioeconomic and sociological perspectives.
The influence of the Railway on an average Offa indigene reinforces my belief and commitment to give Legacy 1995, a formidable managerial acumen that would enhance the status of the Railway Heritage and the Museum.
What challenges is Legacy 1995 facing?
The main challenge is that of a tree with luxuriant foliage doesn’t just sprout overnight, it takes time and tide.
Legacy 1995 is a Non-Governmental Organization that is non- profit making, but remains the Historical and Environmental Interest Group of Nigeria in joint partnership with a government agency like the Nigerian Railway Corporation that owns the objects, subjects artefacts and archival materials for preservation, restoration and promotion initiating, and sustaining mutual understanding would surely be another great challenge to sustain.
How do you intend to surmount these challenges?
Through interactions in a myriad of ways on policy criteria, agreement, reappraisal and also the possibility of advancing the coast of mutual understanding. Note that in the 70s, ABBA reminded us in their song that: “Knowing Me Knowing You, there is nothing we can’t do”
What is your message to the new NRC MD?
First and foremost we pray for a successful tenure for him and on a personal basis as a Senior Citizen, he should be mindful of the incessant permutations of the three Ps that determine organizational success and or failure. The 3Ps include the range of Personalities that now make up the Nigerian Railway Corporation, Policies and the changing dynamics as well as Politics that usually destroy the vision of the Chief Executive of an organization.
He seems to have the pedigree to match his desired success zone and vision too but the challenges are equally there .To make money or an indelible name, to play politics or refine the fate and fortune of staff and the organization as a whole. Time will tell.
He should in all the ways acknowledge the God of his understanding and that average Nigerian public servants seem to have lost faith in public service. How he makes the difference to at least slightly raise the hope of Railway workers and make them more patriotic and less divisive depend on his managerial acumen.
He should up skill and make best use of his workers than flooding the Railway with all sorts of Special and Personal Assistants from outside the Railway.
What international partnerships does Legacy 1995 maintain?
We relate with British and a host of foreign embassies and other interest groups that are heritage centered and promotional too.

Do you have any presence beyond Lagos?
For now, as far as having another museum outside the one at the Jaekel House, I say no, but we hope that a few more may be established in the future, but our membership has what may be tagged federal character in geographic perspective.
Beyond the NRC, are you also looking at other areas?
Of course, we relate very well with the National Commission for Museums and Monuments, Friends of Our Heritage and getting closer to LAMATA. Legacy members were privileged to have a train ride at the initial stage of the Lagos Blue Line. As earlier mentioned, we are diversifying our outreach to accommodate many more heritage and tourism oriented concerns.
What is your online presence like?
We have our website which is operational and a host of social media platforms that you can reach us as to what Legacy 1995 and its promotional roles are concerned about.
How is Legacy 1995 funded?
Membership dues both from individual members, family and corporate membership including minimal donations by lovers of heritage.
How does one join as a member?
Just the interest, filling of application and paying the minimal annual dues in the range of students and full membership by adults.