Frontline auto company in Nigeria, Mikano Motors, exclusive distributor of reliable Changan auto in the local market, among other brands, has shown its strength at the 10th Nigeria Transport Lecture, held recently at the Radisson Blu Hotel, Ikeja, Lagos.

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The company which has made the Changan brand very popular in Nigeria within a very short time, was one of the main transport companies that graced the well-attended event, which has public and private sector stakeholders in attendance.

Aside the beautiful display of its well positioned banners in the event hall, the company was recognized by the organizer of the event as a top auto company, as the Changan brand was recognized as the Auto Brand of the year in the Nigerian market.

Speaking on the recognition, the Editor-in-Chief of Transport Day Media, Mr. Frank Kintum, stated that the recognition was given because the Changan brand has been generally accepted in the Nigerian market. Transport Day Media is the organiser of the annual Nigeria Transport Lecture.

According to the Transport Day Media boss, ever since Mikano took over the distributorship of the Changan in less than two years, it has been able to satisfy different segments of the market with the different models it distributes.

Some of the models distributed in Nigeria include the Eado sedan, Alsvin sedan, CS15 SUV, CS 35 Plus SUV, the Uni-Series SUVs, and the Hunter pickup.

Participants at the event included the Corp Marshal of the Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC), the Director-General of the National Automotive Design and Development Council (NADDC), the Director-General of the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA), the Director-General of the Nigerian Institute of Transport Technology (NITT), and the Honourable Commissioner of Transportation in Lagos State; all of whom presented papers at the Lecture session of the event.

Different papers were delivered on the theme-Transportation Safety in Nigeria, the way forward.