Julius Berger Nigeria Plc, Nigeria’s engineering construction market leader and preferred partner for infrastructural development across the country, has held its investor relations forum event.

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The event which was co-anchored by the company’s managing director, Engr. Dr. Lars Richter and Financial Director, Mr. Christian Hausemann, also had shareholders and investors in attendance.

According to Engr. Dr. Lars Richter, the purpose of the company’s Investor Relations Forum is to highlight Julius Berger’s “business, operations, financial highlights and key investment considerations to investors, as a compelling investment opportunity in the construction industry.”

Dr. Richter commenced proceedings at the investors’ forum with an executive summary of the company’s current profile. He confidently stated, that “the company, today, is endowed with the largest market share, limited competition of similar scale, quality and financial capacity. We have a strong brand equity, a seasoned management, an experienced and diverse Board of Directors, and a well-defined Diversification Strategy; all projecting for a strongly-rooted and positive business outlook further strengthened by a favourable operating environment…”

Julius Berger, said Dr. Richter, “is synonymous with the best quality infrastructure in Nigeria, and the company is assigned a National Scale Rating of A- with a Stable Outlook assigned a National Scale rating of A.”  

The Financial Director, Mr. Christian Hausemann thereafter spoke to the financial highlights saying on a healthy note that Julius Berger’s “…cash balances exceed total borrowings for most of the review period implying a negative Net Debt position.” 

With regard to environmental environment issues, the Company implements health, safety and environmental (HSE) policies and procedures predicated against the principles of OSHAS 18001 and ISO 14001 and benchmarked against national and global standards, encouraging continual improvement of HSE performance.

Julius Berger has a record of Lost Time-Frequency Rate of 0.19, which is less than one Lost Time Injury for every five million man-hours worked. Over 2,500 persons are trained on a wide range of HSE issues including safe tipping, hazard recognition, lifting and rigging and roadwork safety. The Company’s fleet generation takes into account, reduction of fuel consumption, exhaust emission and low-cost effective maintenance.                       

Proactive with its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives, Julius Berger Nigeria Plc is a proud and founding member of NIBUCCA, the Nigerian Business Coalition Against AIDS.