By Cliffsimeon Akalonu

The Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC), Ikeja Unit Command RS.2.16 in conjunction with the Special Marshals recently marked Children’s Day in a grand styles on the 27th day of May, a day set aside to celebrate Children.

Addressing the Children, the Unit Commander, Federal Road Safety Corps, Ikeja Unit Command RS. 2.16, ACC Emma Fekoya, said that there is a need to bring to the knowledge of the children the importance of safety in their contemporary world particularly in Nigeria. According to her, it is very obvious that adults have consistently failed to demonstrate the good motoring habit that is expected of them. 

She also applauded the Corps for going extra mile in ensuring that Road Safety is studied in schools so that “our children will be safety conscious and imbibe the good motoring habit which will help to reduce crashes on our roads”.

Giving a key note address, the National Spokes Person and Chairman Lagos Chapter of the Institute of Safety Professionals of Nigeria, Engr. Timothy C. Iwuagwu, said that considering this year’s ‘Children’s Day’, parents and teachers need to be commended for the vital role the play in making sure that safety starts from home to school where they are moulded to become the persons they ought to be.

He said that, family is a unit in a country and children are part of the unit, and as a matter of fact they must exhibit some good characters, applying safety in all they do because they are the future of tommorow.

Engnr. Iwuagwu also congratulated the FRSC and the Special Marshals for creating the Road Safety Club for school children where the practice of safety is further extended.

In a good will message, the Unit Coordinator of the Special Marshal, Ikeja Unit, S. Olapitan, pleaded with the children to take good advice from their parents as it will help them live longer and that the children too should advise their parents when they are committing traffic fouls like making calls while driving, not putting on seat belts and others.

Advising the kids, the Vice Chairman, Ikeja Local Government, Hon. Yomi Mayungbe, who represented the LGA Chairman, thanked the organizers for bringing the traffic rules and safety education to the knowledge of pupils/students.