…CEPEJ advocates safer driving

Drivers have been enjoined to avoid embarking on night trips as much as possible because of the associated risks on the road. This advice was given by the Unit Commander of the Murtala Mohammed Airport, Lagos Command of the Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC), Judge Daniels.

The Commander made the remark at the command’s 2020 Ember Months campaign held at the Association of Nigeria Licensed  Customs Agents grounds, adjacent the airport.

According to the Commander, “the theme of this year campaign is “DRIVE SAFE, STAY SAFE”.  The theme reflects what the world is currently going through, that is the COVID 19 Pandemic that is ravaging both developed and developing countries. As at today more than 1.4million people have died and the world is still struggling to find a cure as it expects another wave.

Nigerians have equally died from the global pandemic; to this end the Federal Road Safety Corps is reminding the motoring public and all Nigerians to be mindful of COVID 19 and to STAY SAFE.”

He stated that “according World Health Organization (WHO) more than 1.35million people die yearly through avoidable Road Traffic Crashes. Today RTC is the leading cause of human fatality. As the year gradually comes to an end, vehicular as well as human activities would increase tremendously due to last minute Socio-economic activities occasioned by the ember months.

“As expected crashes are always at their peak during this period. Increase in Road Traffic Crashes at the end of the year are often attributed to ember months’ myths, but facts have shown that there are no myth associated with ember months rather the human factor has been blamed for avoidable crashes. The human factor contributes 85% of crashes on our roads. To reduce Crashes on our roads the human ATTITUDE would have to change for the better.

“The following are crashes traceable to the human factor: Driving without valid license, Over speeding, Overloading, Distractive driving —        Use of phone while driving–   Changing musical disc–  Quarrelling while driving —       Fatigue –Eating and drinking while in motion, Driving against traffic, Driving under the influence of alcohol /drug abuse, Running traffic lights, Lane indiscipline and Poor vehicle maintenance.”

Meanwhile, the Centre for Peace and Environmental Justice (CEPEJ) has also called on drivers to drive safe and stay safe this season.

CEPEJ  Advocacy and Communications Manager, Lagos State, Victoria E. Ajayi, in her presentation during the same event, explained that  “Safety is everyone’s business. It is not to be left in the hands of road officials or marshals alone. We all present here should have the mind set that it is our responsibilities to be safe this season and beyond.

“Below are some of the causes of road accidents and how they can be managed for the safety of the drivers in particular and other road users in general.

  1. Distraction while driving (receiving calls, texting, eating, reading, applying make up, talking etc)
  2. Drunk driving
  3. Over speeding: Although it can be tempting to push the speed limit especially when we are running late. Let’s all try to resist this urge and drive safely so as to stay alive for our loved ones
  4. Reckless Driving which involves changing lanes too quickly without considering other road users. Acting aggressive while driving, over speeding especially in densely populated environments.
  5. Rain: Roads become slippery and foggy during raining season hence it is advisable to pull over and wait a while till the rains subsides a little
  6. Running against red lights. RED means STOP. As motorists, let us put this at the back of our minds. Sometimes it seems no cars are coming and no road officials are looking but it is wiser and safer when we all imbibe the culture of waiting when the red light is on, for the safety of other road users, especially the pedestrians.
  7. Night Driving: lack of visibility makes hazards more difficult to see at night. Let us all, as drivers , make sure that all our lights are in perfect work conditions
  8. Tailgating: Driving too close to the car in front of you is a minor cause of road accidents . Let’s always  endeavor to  keep a safe distance so we can have enough time to react to sudden break from the other driver
  9. Wrong Way driving/one-way driving/Improper turns: please, let us be aware of major road signs and warnings of one -way especially in residential areas and unfamiliar environment.
  10. Teenage Driving
  11. Drugs and alcohol
  12. Potholes
  13. Tire blow outs
  14. Animal /human crossing.”

The event was attended by drivers, Special Marshals and other stakeholders around the airport community.