The Federal Government has indicated its readiness to deregister and shut down inactive Auto Assembly plants in the country.

This position was made known yesterday by the Director General of the National Automotive Design and Development Council (NADDC), Mr. Oluwemimo Joseph Osanipin during an interactive session with the African Association of Automotive Manufacturers (AAAM), the Nigeria Auto Manufacturers Association (NAMA) and local auto components manufacturers in Lagos.

According to the DG, Evaluation forms have been sent out by NADDC to the over 30 auto assembly plants, stating that while some have responded, others are yet to respond.

Revealing the content of the Evaluation forms sent out, he said assemblers have been asked to state the following-“How many units have you produced? What are the number of brands you have? What is the number of employment you are generating? What is the number of vehicles you have sold? What is the per centage of auto components? Etc.

“We are asking all these in order for us to streamline the brands”.

Osanipin stated further that “as we stand on the cusp of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), our gathering here takes on an even greater significance. It is an opportunity to forge alliances, share knowledge, and lay the groundwork for a future where African nations collaborate more closely in the automotive sector.

“Nigeria, with its vast resources and strategic position, is poised to become the automotive hub of West Africa”.