Nigerian Ports Authority (NPA), has summoned the International Oil Companies (IOCs), to an urgent meeting for today, March 8, 2022, over non-implementation of the agreement reached at a stakeholders meeting directing the IOCs to implement the “Marine Notice 106” and allow the Stevedoring Companies and registered Dockworkers access to their platforms to commence operations as required by law.

It would be recalled that a stakeholders meeting called by NPA, representatives of the IOCs Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), National Petroleum Investment Services (NAPIMS), National Association of Stevedoring Operators (NASO), and leaders of Maritime Workers Union of Nigeria, (MWUN), had two weeks ago given the IOCs 14 days to implement the “Marine Notice 106”, to forestall the threat by MWUN to shut the nation’s ports.

Confirming the summon, President-General of MWUN, Prince Adewale Adeyanju, told Vanguard that “yes, the management of NPA has summoned stakeholders meeting with IOCs, NAPIMS, and others including us because of non-compliance of the IOCs to Marine Notice 106, which has been dragging for years. Our members are worried and we cannot continue to fold our hands.”